Picks & Sticks
Get ready to rock with Picks & Sticks - the ultimate music podcast from the fan's perspective! Join Cecil, Gordo, Huff, and Mauro as they dish out their favorite tunes, share personal connections, and give you a hilarious take on all things rock. Drop us a line at picksandstickspodcast@gmail.com to share your feedback and join in the fun!
Picks & Sticks
90's Rock Revolution...The Big FOUR of Grunge
The 90's grunge revolution was a rock and roll resurgence that was more than a decade overdue. There were four bands that paved the way during that time and re-kindled many spirits, proving that rock was definitely not dead. To this day, you will still find them on the top music charts, and will continue to for many years to come! Enjoy our tribute to the BIG 4 Grunge bands of the 90's.
Don't forget to email us at picksandstickspodcast@gmail.com.